Request Premium app

Before you begin

Apple App Store and Google Play Store guidelines require that the Premium app be offered through an account requested by the organization that owns the content in the app. This guide explains how to apply for these store accounts.


  • A unique name for the app not yet used in the stores. Make sure you can prove with official documents that you are allowed to use this name.
  • A person with the authority to sign legal contracts and a government-issued ID with a passport photo.
  • A credit card.
  • A privacy statement on the organization’s domain. The content of the privacy statement should be directly readable on the page and therefore should not be in a pdf.
  • iPhone, iPad or iPod running iOS 9 or higher, or a Mac running OS X El Captain or higher. This is required for two-factor authentication of the Apple ID.

DUNS number

If your organization already has a DUNS number, you can skip this step.

A DUNS number is required to register as an organization on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. This unique nine-digit identifier confirms your organization’s legal status. If you don’t have a DUNS number, you can apply through Dun & Bradstreet’s website:

To apply, you’ll need legal information about your organization, such as its address, contact details, and the director’s name. Allow up to 14 days for the DUNS information to be processed and transmitted to Apple or Google.

Apple App Store

Google Play Store

About the app

Store Listing Information

The app will be available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Below are the required details for the listing.

  • App Name
  • Brief Description (max. 80 characters)
  • Long Description: Include app ownership, target audience, and key features.
  • Support Email Address
  • Website URL
  • Privacy Policy URL (should link to a webpage, not a PDF file)

Please submit this information through a support ticket or email it to


The app icon

This image serves as the app icon displayed on a user’s device—the square image tapped to open the app. The icon should be a PNG or JPEG file sized at 1,024 x 1,024 pixels.

Please submit this information through a support ticket or email it to